vrijdag 9 januari 2009

Comment on article

The Arabs and Israel
The hundred years' war

This article describes the conflict between Israel and Arabs of Palestine. It is well organised and it addresses several aspects. The article is divided under a number of headings and the writer has written it in a fairly objective way. In this blog I will give my personal opinion on the subject, I will discuss the presentation of the article and whether I like subject.

Personal opinion:
In my view, this conflict shouldn’t be solved through war. Of course, this conflict goes back a long time and there have been ‘little wars’ several times. The only thing that these wars cause is hundreds and hundreds of innocent casualties. It is my opinion therefore, that the leaders of these groups need to talk with each other and come to a solution. And if they refuse to do this, or if it doesn’t work out, world leaders like the president of United States and the president of the EU should be present during the meeting. In other words, these countries need to be forced to stop the war and to come to a solution. Of course I understand that this isn’t that easy to solve, but I’m convinced that if these political leaders are forced to come to a solution by the super powers of the world, it can be done.

Presentation of the article:
As briefly mentioned before, I think that this article is well written and well organised. The article begins with a clear introduction in which the subject of the article is explained. After this, a historical overview is given. After this overview, a detailed explanation about the cause of the fight is given. The following heading discusses the problem from the angle of Israel and the last heading is about the angle of the Arabs of Palestine. Moreover, the English used in this article is sometimes a bit difficult but overall is not too difficult to understand.

Interestingness of the subject:
I find the subject, the conflict between Israel and the Arabs of Palestine very interesting. I have always been interested by conflict which leaded to wars. I must admit that I don’t really know a lot about this particular conflict. I’ve only followed this conflict on television and in the papers. Nevertheless, I do find this an interesting subject.
Overall, I would say that this article is interesting, well written and well organized.

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